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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Reporting entity
Basis of preparation
Significant accounting policies
New standards, amendments and interpretations adopted by the Group
Financial instruments and risk management
Segment information
Property and equipment
Intangible assets
Other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Capital and reserves
Share based compensation
Trade and other payables
Accrued expenses
Research and development expense
General and administrative expense
Employee benefits
Finance income and finance expense
Loss per share
Commitments and contingencies
Loan and warrant
Related party transactions
Warrants from Public Offering
Events after the balance sheet date
Accounting Policies
Significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Significant accounting policies (Tables)
New standards, amendments and interpretations adopted by the Group (Tables)
Financial instruments and risk management (Tables)
Segment information (Tables)
Property and equipment (Tables)
Intangible assets (Tables)
Other receivables (Tables)
Prepayments (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents (Tables)
Capital and reserves (Tables)
Share based compensation (Tables)
Trade and other payables (Tables)
Accrued expenses (Tables)
Research and development expense (Tables)
General and administrative expense (Tables)
Employee benefits (Tables)
Finance income and finance expense (Tables)
Taxation (Tables)
Loss per share (Tables)
Commitments and contingencies (Tables)
Related party transactions (Tables)
Notes Details
Reporting entity (Details)
Basis of preparation (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Segment reporting (Narrative) (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Disclosure of closing and average exchange rates for the most significant foreign currencies (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Disclosure of applicable estimated useful lives (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Intangible assets (Narrative) (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Share-based compensation (Narrative) (Details)
Financial instruments and risk management - Disclosure of the carrying amounts of financial assets and liabilities (Details)
Financial instruments and risk management - Disclosure of remaining contractual maturities of financial liabilities (Details)
Financial instruments and risk management - Disclosure of fair value of derivative liabilities (Details)
Financial instruments and risk management - Reconciliation of changes in fair value measurement, liabilities (Details)
Financial instruments and risk management - Disclosure of maximum exposure to credit risk (Details)
Financial instruments and risk management - Disclosure of quantitative data about the exposure of financial assets and liabilities to currency risk (Details)
Financial instruments and risk management - Narrative (Details)
Segment information (Details)
Property and equipment (Details)
Intangible assets (Details)
Other receivables (Details)
Prepayments (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents (Details)
Capital and reserves - Disclosure of issued share capital (Details)
Capital and reserves - Follow-On Offering on Nasdaq Global Market (Narrative) (Details)
Capital and reserves - Issuance of common shares with restrictions (Narrative) (Details)
Capital and reserves - Controlled Equity Offering (Narrative) (Details)
Capital and reserves - Authorized share capital (Narrative) (Details)
Capital and reserves - Conditional share capital (Narrative) (Details)
Share based compensation - Description (Narrative) (Details)
Share based compensation - Disclosure of key terms and conditions related to grants (Details)
Share based compensation - Disclosure of the fair value of options measured based on the Black-Scholes formula (Details)
Share based compensation - Disclosure of the number and weighted average exercise prices of options (Details)
Share based compensation - Measurement of fair values (Details)
Trade and other payables (Details)
Accrued expenses (Details)
Research and development expense (Details)
General and administrative expense (Details)
Employee benefits - Expense recognized in statement of profit or loss (Details)
Employee benefits - Narrative (Details)
Employee benefits - Change in defined benefit obligation (Details)
Employee benefits - Change in fair value of plan assets (Details)
Employee benefits - Net defined benefit liability (Details)
Employee benefits - Defined benefit costs recognized in profit or loss (Details)
Employee benefits - Remeasurement of defined benefit liability (Details)
Employee benefits - Assumptions (Details)
Employee benefits - Sensitivity Analysis (Details)
Finance income and finance expense - Components of finance income (expense) (Details)
Finance income and finance expense - Narrative (Details)
Taxation - Income tax provision (Details)
Taxation - Reconciliation of income tax expense (income) (Details)
Taxation - Deferred tax assets and liabilities (Details)
Taxation - Deferred tax rollforward (Details)
Taxation - Unrecognized tax losses (Details)
Taxation - Unrecognized deductible temporary differences and tax losses (Details)
Loss per share (Details)
Commitments and contingencies (Details)
Loan and warrant (Details)
Related party transactions (Details)
Warrants from Public Offering (Details)
Events after the balance sheet date (Details)
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