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Document And Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss)
Notes to Financial Statements
Reporting entity
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities
Sales and Marketing Expense
Warrants from Public Offering
Write-Down of Inventories
Accounting Policies
Accounting Policies, by Policy (Policies)
Notes Tables
Significant accounting policies (Tables)
Financial instruments and risk management (Tables)
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities (Tables)
Other receivables (Tables)
Prepayments (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents (Tables)
Capital and Reserves (Tables)
Trade and Other Payables (Tables)
Accrued expenses (Tables)
Other operating income (Tables)
Cost of Sales (Tables)
Research and Development Expense (Tables)
Sales and Marketing Expense (Tables)
General and administrative expense (Tables)
Employee Benefits (Tables)
Finance Income and Finance Expense (Tables)
Taxation (Tables)
Loss per share (Tables)
Related party transactions (Tables)
Loan (Tables)
Notes Details
Reporting entity (Details)
Basis of preparation (Details)
Significant accounting policies (Details)
Significant accounting policies (Details) - Schedule of closing and average exchange rates for the most significant foreign currencies
Significant accounting policies (Details) - Schedule of estimated useful lives
Financial instruments and risk management (Details)
Financial instruments and risk management (Details) - Schedule of analysis the remaining contractual maturities of financial liabilities
Financial instruments and risk management (Details) - Schedule of fair value measurement
Financial instruments and risk management (Details) - Schedule of reasonably alternative assumptions for the valuation of the option component of the convertible loan
Financial instruments and risk management (Details) - Schedule of changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
Segment information (Details) - Schedule of operating segments
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities (Details) - Schedule of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities (Details) - Schedule of low value and short-term lease expenses
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities (Details) - Schedule of lease liabilities
Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities (Details) - Schedule of maturities of lease liabilities
Intangible assets (Details)
Intangible assets (Details) - Schedule of intangible assets
Other receivables (Details) - Schedule of other receivables
Prepayments (Details) - Schedule of prepayments
Capital and Reserves (Details)
Capital and Reserves (Details) - Schedule of common shares
Share-based compensation (Details)
Share-based compensation (Details) - Schedule of key terms and conditions related to the grants
Share-based compensation (Details) - Schedule of fair value of the options measured
Share-based compensation (Details) - Schedule of number and weighted average exercise prices
Accrued expenses (Details) - Schedule of accrued expenses
Other operating income (Details) - Schedule of other operating income
Cost of Sales (Details) - Schedule of cost of sales
Research and Development Expense (Details)
Research and Development Expense (Details) - Schedule of research and development expense
General and administrative expense (Details) - Schedule of general and administrative expense
Employee Benefits (Details)
Employee Benefits (Details) - Schedule of defined benefit plan expense recognized in profit or loss
Employee Benefits (Details) - Schedule of defined benefit obligation
Employee Benefits (Details) - Schedule of sensitivity analysis for actuarial assumptions
Finance Income and Finance Expense (Details)
Finance Income and Finance Expense (Details) - Schedule of finance income and finance expense
Taxation (Details)
Taxation (Details) - Schedule of income tax expense
Taxation (Details) - Schedule of effective income tax expense
Taxation (Details) - Schedule of deferred income tax liabilities or to deferred income tax assets
Taxation (Details) - Schedule of recognized tax benefits deferred tax
Taxation (Details) - Schedule of tax loss carry forwards
Taxation (Details) - Schedule of tax effect of major unrecognized temporary differences and loss
Loss per share (Details)
Loss per share (Details) - Schedule of loss per share
Loss per share (Details) - Schedule of loss per share (Parentheticals)
Commitments and contingencies (Details)
Commitments and contingencies (Details) - Schedule of future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases
Related party transactions (Details)
Related party transactions (Details) - Schedule of related party transaction
Loan (Details)
Loan (Details) - Schedule of convertible loan agreement
Warrants from Public Offering (Details)
Events After the Balance Sheet Date (Details)
Taxation (Details) - Schedule of income tax expense
Taxation (Details) - Schedule of deferred income tax liabilities or to deferred income tax assets
Capital and Reserves (Details) - Schedule of issued share capital
Employee Benefits (Details) - Schedule of employee benefits
Revision of Prior Period Financial Statements (Details)
Revision of Prior Period Financial Statements (Details) - Schedule of consolidated statement of cash flows
Loss Per Share (Details) - Schedule of loss per share
Uncategorized Items - ea174703-f1a3_altamira_htm.xml
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